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FOR MEN ONLY: 7 Things You Absolutely Need To Know BEFORE Filing For Divorce in Florida – WATCH VIDEO

Coral Gables Divorce Lawyer

Experienced Coral Gables Divorce Lawyers

Why choose the Vasquez de Lara Law Group
Serving All Miami-Dade & Broward Counties

Top-Rated Miami Divorce Lawyers

Anxiety and stress. Fear of what’s next. Not knowing what to do. We absolutely understand what you’re going through right now is not easy.

The right legal team can give you the confidence to know you’ll get the best outcome possible.

Types of Family Law Cases We Handle

Focus on helping people navigate their divorce or child custody issues with confidence and care.

You’re overwhelmed, stressed, and wondering how this became your reality. The divorce process is messy, your soon-to-be ex is being difficult, and you’re worried about your kids and finances. Take a deep breath – the Vasquez de Lara Law Group has your back.

We’re Coral Gables divorce attorneys who “get it” on a level most lawyers simply can’t. We know that going through a divorce can make you feel adrift. So many changes, so many decisions, and so much at stake for your future. When everything feels unstable, you need steady guides to anchor you and chart the path forward. We’re those guides.

From the division of assets to custody schedules, we’ll guide you through each step while fiercely protecting what’s yours. Our boutique divorce firm cultivates an environment where you’ll always feel understood, supported, and in control. When you need a supportive listener offering candid advice one moment, and a fierce advocate in your corner the next, our firm is here for you.

Your Divorce Settlement Impacts Your Future (And Your Kid’s)

The dissolution of marriage in a case where spouses share finances – and possibly even children – cannot be done with just the stroke of a pen. Child custody needs to be established, child support payments need to be ordered, and marital assets need to be divided.

One of the most complicated portions of family law proceedings is for both parties to agree on these types of divorce terms. There are several family law issues you may face when navigating the divorce process in Florida, and a divorce attorney can be a valuable resource during these moments.

Anticipating Future Needs

Negotiating those terms is complex due to each party having its own demands, but it’s also difficult to see into the future and decide what you might need post-divorce. You’ll have to anticipate your finances and the lifestyle your family wants in order to determine which divorce terms are the most important to you.

Marital property division, child custody, child support arrangements, and spousal support are all things that should be considered to establish marital settlement agreements that will work for you and your family. What you agree to now will affect you in the future, and divorce lawyers can review your demands and suggest terms that you may not have thought of.

Challenging Divorce Negotiation Process

Without a divorce attorney, you may end up hurting yourself during the negotiation or divorce mediation process. If the other spouse has an attorney and you don’t, you’re vulnerable because they’ll have the upper hand in any settlement negotiations. Divorce lawyers can help you obtain fair terms that reasonably end the marriage for both parties.

Unpredictability of Divorce Court Hearings

If the couple can’t agree, a family law court may end up making the decisions for you, and when you get in front of a judge, anything can happen. Florida law gives quite a bit of discretion to judges, and family court cases can have unpredictable outcomes.

Post-judgment Modifications

Once the court enters a divorce order, you must live with those terms. You do not get a second chance at dividing the marital estate. If you want to change the alimony, child support, or custody order, you must persuade the court that the circumstances have changed. That is not always easy to do.

A court will often only allow post-judgment modifications to a divorce settlement if they are satisfied that either party’s financial circumstances changed after the existing order was issued. Only then will a court or administrative body that issued the order revise a child support or alimony order.

A family law attorney can help you make your case with the court for a post-judgment modification.

Florida Divorce Laws and How They Impact You

There are multiple statutes in Florida, including marital and family law, to keep in mind when you are getting divorced.

Equitable Distribution of Marital Assets

When it comes to dividing the marital estate, Florida uses the law of equitable distribution. “Equitable” means that the property will be divided according to principles of fairness, as opposed to equality. The court will look at several factors when dividing marital property, such as which spouse earned the money, each parent’s child-rearing contributions, and the parties’ ability to make more money in the future. If the matter goes to the judge, they can apply any factor to reach a determination.

Establishing Child Custody

When it comes to child custody – or “parental responsibility” – Florida Family Law Courts will apply the best interests of the child in deciding any custody and placement matters. Again, this determination is flexible and can consider a number of factors.

The guiding principle is that the court will put the interests of the children ahead of those of the parents. Different judges may reach different results depending on what factors they consider and how they view the best interests of the children. In Florida, the court prefers that both parents have parental responsibility, and it promotes equal parenting time.

Uncontested Divorces Vs. Contested Divorce

Florida law requires a 20-day waiting period from the time the divorce is filed until the court grants the dissolution of marriage. However, the 20-day waiting period assumes that there are no disagreements on terms between the parties.

When parties agree to all of the divorce terms without the need for the court to make any decisions, this is referred to as an “uncontested divorce.” If parties cannot agree on terms, they may have to go through the litigation process to have a judge settle their family law disputes. This can sometimes take months or even years.

Discretion of Family Law Judges

If your divorce ends up in court, you will need an experienced divorce attorney to state your case to the judge effectively. Like any human being, judges can be persuaded when experienced divorce attorneys apply the facts of your case to the law and show why your custody position is in the best interests of the children or your position on dividing the marital estate is equitable and fair.

Why You Need an Experienced Divorce Lawyer

Without an attorney, you might end up overlooking key considerations that may leave you in a worse position in the future. At the same time, an attorney will handle the details of your divorce to help you resolve the situation with the best possible outcome. While your lawyer cannot completely take away the stress of the divorce, they can lighten the burden on you.

Every bit of help that you get during this process can make for a better future for you and your children.

At Vasquez de Lara Law Group, we strive to be the best family law firm in Coral Gables and have been recognized by reputable organizations, like Expertise, Super Lawyers, and Justia, as a trusted and respected presence in our community. When you work with us, you gain an ally who is dedicated to understanding your unique situation and advocating for your best interests.

Contact a Coral Gables Divorce Lawyer Today

For help with your Florida divorce and legal services in any other family law matters, schedule a free case evaluation with a Coral Gables divorce lawyer at our law firm and discuss your case. You should call us early in the process so our legal assistance and counsel can be even more effective.

The sooner you contact us legal representation, the more you can lighten the burden of what you are going through at this difficult time.

What Our Clients Say

You Have Questions. We Have Answers.

How much is a divorce lawyer in Florida?

The cost of a divorce lawyer in Florida can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as:

  • The complexity of the case (contested vs. uncontested divorce)
  • Issues involved (child custody, alimony, division of assets/debts)
  • The lawyer’s experience and reputation
  • Whether the case goes to trial or is settled out of court

On average, you can expect to pay between $200 to $500 per hour for a divorce lawyer in Florida. The total cost may range from $5,000 to $20,000 or more for a contested divorce.

How to get divorce in Florida if spouse refuses?

In Florida, you can still get a divorce even if your spouse refuses to participate in the process or sign the papers. The process is:

  1. File a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the court.
  2. Have your spouse served with the divorce papers.
  3. If your spouse doesn’t respond within 20 days, you can request a default judgment from the court.
  4. Attend a court hearing to finalize the divorce, even if your spouse doesn’t show up.

The key is properly serving your spouse and following the court procedures for a default divorce.

How long do I have to live in Florida to get a divorce?

To file for divorce in Florida, at least one spouse must have been a resident of the state for six months before initiating the divorce proceedings. So, if you have recently relocated to Florida, you must wait until you meet the 6-month residency requirement before filing for divorce.

What are the grounds for divorce in Florida?

Florida is a no-fault divorce state, which means that neither spouse has to prove fault, misconduct, or marital wrongdoing to obtain a divorce. The only legal ground required is that the marriage is “irretrievably broken,” meaning there is no prospect of reconciliation.

How is property divided in a divorce in Florida?

In Florida, marital assets and debts are subject to “equitable distribution.” This does not necessarily mean an equal 50/50 split. Instead, the court aims to divide the marital estate fairly after considering numerous factors, including each spouse’s economic circumstances, contributions to the marriage, and the desire to minimize any future claims between them.

Generally, property acquired during the marriage is considered marital property subject to distribution, while property owned before marriage or received as a gift/inheritance is treated as separate.

What should I do if I'm served with divorce papers in Florida?

If you’ve been served with divorce papers in Florida, here’s what you should do:

  1. Respond within the required timeframe: In Florida, you typically have 20 calendar days from the date you were served to file a written response with the court. Failing to respond on time could result in a default judgment against you.
  2. Consult with a divorce lawyer: Divorce is complicated, and the decisions made during this process will impact your future. An experienced divorce attorney can help you understand your rights, protect your interests, and guide you through the legal process.
  3. Review the divorce petition thoroughly: The divorce petition outlines your spouse’s requests regarding issues such as child custody, alimony, and property division. Review it carefully and start gathering relevant documentation and evidence to support your position.
  4. Attend the required parenting course: If you and your spouse have minor children, you’ll both need to complete a court-approved parenting course before the divorce can be finalized.
  5. Consider alternative dispute resolution (ADR): Florida courts encourage couples to explore alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or collaborative divorce, to reach agreements on contentious issues without going to trial.
  6. Prepare for temporary orders: If necessary, the court may issue temporary orders regarding child support, spousal support, or custody arrangements while the divorce is pending.

Remember, the divorce process can be emotionally and financially challenging, but taking prompt action and seeking legal guidance can help ensure your rights are protected and that you achieve the best possible outcome.