FOR MEN ONLY: 7 Things You Absolutely Need To Know BEFORE Filing For Divorce in Florida – WATCH VIDEO
During these uncertain times, information is swirling faster than many of us can keep up. Unfortunately, the conditions are also ripe for plenty of mis-information to spread.
Here at Vasquez de Lara Law Group, we understand that in times of crisis (and always), it’s imperative to rely on trusted resources for important information, especially when it’s about issues that matter most to our families.
What to Know About Child Support Payments During the Pandemic
In regards to child support payments, particularly payments during the COVID-19 pandemic, getting accurate information is essential to ensuring that you continue to comply with the law. Here is what you need to know in terms of legal responsibilities:
At Vasquez de Lara Law Group, we are here to support families any way we can throughout the pandemic and beyond. Join us daily at 9am ET on our Facebook page for a live stream. We’ll discuss new topics each day as well as answer your questions. Can’t join us live? Be sure to look through our video archives posted on our Facebook page to learn more about important family law issues.
As always, if you have any questions about how to navigate parenting, marriage, divorce, domestic abuse, or any other family concerns, please, get in touch with us right away to schedule a virtual consultation.