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By: Sarah Giller Nelson, Professional organizer
The best way to create a clutter-free home is to develop well thought out systems that reflect your lifestyles needs. This process takes time, energy, and focus. If you find you are short on time or energy (as many of us are), you can still find space and de-clutter by getting rid of the assortment of little, useless things that are hogging up the prime real estate in your home. Often times, you are so used to having these items lying around, you seem to see past them. Yet, a quick bit of editing will go a long way towards creating the organized environment you crave.
Grab a garbage bin and donation bag, and start tossing, recycling, or donating these items:
1. Ripped or broken Halloween decorations.
2. Wire hangers.
3. Plastic bags from the dry cleaner. (Protect garments by storing them in canvas hanging bags.)
4. Any piece of clothing that is stained or stretched out, including undergarments.
5. Anything with a layer of dust on it.
6. Orphan socks. (You’ve managed this long without the pair, it’s okay to repurpose them as rags or toss them.)
7. Anything in your wardrobe that makes you feel heavy – physically or emotionally.
8. Anything in your home that reminds you of a time you would rather forget.
9. Expired medicine.
10. Expired sunscreen.
11. Food living in your freezer since the Obama administration.
12. Chipped dishes.
13. Promotional plastic cups and related freebies.
14. Duplicates: you don’t need 8 spatulas or 4 can openers.
15. Half-used, long forgotten candles.
16. That embarrassing costume from a few Halloweens ago.
17. Completed coloring books.
18. Old keys.
19. Empty or near empty bottles of bubbles.
20. Anything that bugs you every time you see it.
About the author: Professional organizer Sarah Giller Nelson helps overwhelmed people find time, clarity, a sense of accomplishment, and a place to put their keys. Sarah’s company, Less is More Organizing Services, has been helping busy families get organized since 2010. You can reach out to Sarah here: