FOR MEN ONLY: 7 Things You Absolutely Need To Know BEFORE Filing For Divorce in Florida – WATCH VIDEO
Whether you see it coming or not, once your ex files for full custody through the Florida courts system, you – and your children – are put in the difficult position of engaging in this highly emotional process. Fortunately, no matter what fueled your ex’s motivation to file for full custody, you still have a say in how the process unfolds.
What to know about Florida’s child custody laws
One of the most important things to remember about custody battles is that child custody laws are state-specific, and in Florida, the courts prioritize the child’s well-being when making its final determination. That means even if your ex files for full custody, both the father and mother will be given equal consideration in court.
As the judge considers your child’s best interests, he or she will look at things like parenting history, the child’s relationship with each parent, stability, and many more factors. Regardless of what your ex believes, it will be up to the ruling judge to determine which outcome will be most suitable to the child’s best interest.
How to prepare for a child custody case
If you find yourself facing divorce and children are in the mix, a smart step to take is to arm yourself with experienced legal counsel who can help you best prepare for what’s to come before, during, and after the case. Preparation is essential with any case, but it’s all the more important when you are fighting for time with your children.
Here are a few helpful ways you can prepare for an upcoming child custody case:
If you find yourself facing divorce or a child custody issue, get in touch today. Our team of family lawyers has the experience and know-how to ensure your family’s rights and best interests are protected.