FOR MEN ONLY: 7 Things You Absolutely Need To Know BEFORE Filing For Divorce in Florida – WATCH VIDEO
Ask any kid and they’re likely to say that Halloween ranks right up there as one of their favorite holidays of the year. Some even begin planning their costume months in advance. And we agree! Halloween is fun – the costumes, the parties, the spooky fun and, of course, all the candy.
But Halloween also carries some serious safety risks, especially as darkness sets in and kids begin wandering the streets. Below are a few safety tips families can follow to ensure that all the fun and fright stays safe:
For divorced families, make sure to talk to your ex about any Halloween plans for your kids and discuss your safety concerns. It’s important to be on the same page about how your family will celebrate the holiday. If there are school-sponsored events or other activities, be sure to also communicate about any scheduling changes or disruptions that may affect the time-sharing calendar.