FOR MEN ONLY: 7 Things You Absolutely Need To Know BEFORE Filing For Divorce in Florida – WATCH VIDEO
We are living in unprecedented times. Everyone everywhere around the globe is taking significant public health precautions to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This means we’re all doing some serious social distancing and washing, washing, washing our hands. It also means many of us are working remotely and our kids are home from school.
While health and safety are top-of-mind the world over, this global public health crisis is also deeply personal. If you are co-parenting during these challenging times, you are even more aware of how tense and stressful this current situation is – and will be into the foreseeable future.
That is why it is imperative to create a co-parenting plan now to ensure your children’s safety, supervision, and education in the midst of swirling instability in the world around us.
Clearly communicate with your ex about who will care for your child if he or she becomes ill and how you will approach seeking medical care. Be sure to consider all possible scenarios, such as each parent’s possible exposure to the virus as well as what you will do if one of a parent becomes ill.
Throughout all of your communications, do your best to minimize conflict by keeping your tone businesslike and focused. Resist the urge to retaliate if your ex tries to engage in an argument. Now is not the time to get hung up on past problems. If you need help, contact us at Vasquez de Lara Law Group.
With schools closing and the community landscape changing by the day, the need for flexibility is an understatement. Coronavirus and social distancing mandates are forcing all of us to adapt and modify existing schedules and parenting plans in a way we never could have predicted. If you are concerned about the amount of parenting time modifications required during these unprecedented times, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of experienced Florida family lawyers. We’ll help you understand your rights and evaluate your options.
But at the end of the day, your family’s health and safety is most important. Modified parenting plans, though temporary, may be your only option if one parent is in quarantine or if other unforeseen problems arise.
Stress makes even the calmest of parents susceptible to unexpected outbursts and emotional rollercoasters. Your kids are feeling all of these things too. Together with your ex, find ways to continually reassure your kids and talk to them about how you are both working to keep them safe.
Effectively co-parenting during times of crises will never be easy, but by planning ahead and creating a plan with your ex, you can minimize conflict – and most importantly, keep your kids safe.
Additionally: the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers recently shared a list of seven guidelines to help families through the tumultuous times ahead. It is essential reading for anyone co-parenting right now on how to work with your former spouse to keep your children safe and get everyone through this the most effectively.
If you have questions about how to navigate parenting, marriage, divorce, domestic abuse, or any other family concerns, please, get in touch with us right away to schedule a virtual consultation.