FOR MEN ONLY: 7 Things You Absolutely Need To Know BEFORE Filing For Divorce in Florida – WATCH VIDEO
[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#ffffff” background=”#555555″]Q[/dropcap] My ex is accusing me of not allowing her to have our son until 6:30pm on his birthday and that he went to bed at 8:30pm. Our Mediation agreement says that the child should have 3 hours with the parent that is not exercising time on his birthday. However, she did in fact pick up our son around 1:30 that day not 6:30. Is it possible to get a subpoena for her sunpass record for this day?
[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#ffffff” background=”#ef7f2c”]A[/dropcap] In what forum is she accusing you? Has she filed a motion for noncompliance? You may actually be able to subpoena her records but you can also simply file a request for production for the Sunpass records, which she will then have 30 days to produce.